Home Assistant in Docker on MacOs BigSur
Install brew. Follow instructions on https://brew.sh/
Install virtualbox
# brew install virtualbox
Install docker-machine
# brew install docker-machine
# brew services start docker-machine
If you want the machine to run at boot (rather than at login)
Move your launchd configuration file homebrew.mxcl.docker-machine.plist from $USER/Library/LaunchAgents to /Library/LaunchDaemons
Add a user directive:
Make sure the permissions are right:
# sudo chmod root.wheel homebrew.mxcl.docker-machine.plist
Install docker
# brew install docker
Create a virtual machine
# docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox default
Setup docker environment (you will need this every time you open a new shell)
# eval $(docker-machine env default)
Setup your “default” virtualbox to forward any relevant port.
Settings -> Network -> Adapter 1 -> Nat -> Advanced
In my case I forward 1880 for NodeRed, 8123 for HomeAssistant and 8080 for Apache
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